Event Update – Learning to be Kind Ice Cream

The Alberta LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to invite you to our FREE online event – Learning to be Kind Ice Cream with Nicole Bhar, Paula Shyba and Candyce Morris; Owners of Kind Ice Cream, on February 23 at 7:00 pm.

Nicole Bhar and Paula Shyba are a queer married couple who are owners of Kind Ice Cream along with Nicole’s sister, Candyce Morris. Kind Ice Cream, an Edmonton-based small batch ice cream shop, has been open since 2019 with locations in Ritchie and Highlands. As owners of a women-owned and queer-owned business, Nicole and Paula advocate for creating businesses that make inclusivity and community-building core priorities.

At this event, the trio will be discussing how they created a business and work environment that is inclusive. They work hard to ensure that their business is inclusive of folx of different abilities, gender expressions, races and cultures but admit that the process of getting there wasn’t always easy. Join them in discussion about this journey to a more inclusive business and what process looked like for them.

Get your free ticket www.showpass.com/learning-to-be-kind-ice-cream

Please register for this event, but if you forget to and would like to join you may do so using this link on February 23 @ 7:00pm: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81676924835

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